Friday, May 22, 2009


The cavaliers play tonight at 8pm. I Can't wait I thimk the cavaliers are going to win because king James is ready to play. Dwight doesn't have anything on Lebron James.I predict that James will score between 40 and 50 points in tonight's game. I Still can't believe that the Magic won in the first game that game was the cavaliers game and the Magic stole it from them.What a rip off.My brother said that the magic are going to beat the cavaliers but i don't think that is going to happen not if Lebron has a unbelievable game.Which most likely is going to happen.All the cavaliers have to do is put the ball in KING JAMES hands.Which are the hands of god when you are talking about basketball.
So hopefully they win if not ill be very disappointed in the cavaliers and will be very angry with king James.So remember watch the game at 8pm.LETS GO CAVALIERS

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