Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Do you think that lebron should get fined i dont.Thats the crazyest thing that i have ever heard.Just because he didnt talk to the press they are fineing him for $25,000.The king lebron should fight that and not let the media get to him.my friend desmond said "that lebron getting fined was not cool"i agree with him.if i was lebron i would not pay the fine.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

they lost

The cavaliers lost damn i cant believe it .Now there out of the champion chip and now Lebron is not going to get a ring.i know that he is mad because i know if i got that close to getting a champion chip ring i would be mad. the cavaliers lost by a blow out the magic made the cavaliers look like they were a bad team. the cavalier are on of the best teams in the NBA and i think that Dwight Howard is a hack and thinks he could push around they little mans on the cavaliers team. but the only one he doesn't do that to is Lebron James because Dwight Howard is scared of Lebron James and Dwight Howard knows not to do it. so i was very disappointed when they lost but there is always next years and i predict that the cavaliers are going to take it next year no matter what.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

the cavaliers need to win

The cavaliers need to win tonight's game if they don't they will be out of the finals and i will be very disappointed if that happens. but i don't think Lebron is going to let them lose i think hes going to go crazy on the court and no one not even Dwight Howard is going to be able to stop the king Lebron James.but for them to win it has to be a whole team effort.Even if Lebron is mainly the core of the Cleveland cavaliers.tonight the cavaliers are going to play at 8:30pm watch it ti see if the cavaliers go and continue playing or if there going home.they won they won they won finaly in 2 games they won.the cavaliers won by 10 points and lebron made dwight howard foul out in the fourth quarter with 3 minutes left.dwight was about to cry when he fouled out.now on to game 6 in orlando.

Friday, May 22, 2009


The cavaliers play tonight at 8pm. I Can't wait I thimk the cavaliers are going to win because king James is ready to play. Dwight doesn't have anything on Lebron James.I predict that James will score between 40 and 50 points in tonight's game. I Still can't believe that the Magic won in the first game that game was the cavaliers game and the Magic stole it from them.What a rip off.My brother said that the magic are going to beat the cavaliers but i don't think that is going to happen not if Lebron has a unbelievable game.Which most likely is going to happen.All the cavaliers have to do is put the ball in KING JAMES hands.Which are the hands of god when you are talking about basketball.
So hopefully they win if not ill be very disappointed in the cavaliers and will be very angry with king James.So remember watch the game at 8pm.LETS GO CAVALIERS

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Can't believe the cavaliers lost.What a disappointment.The cavs were up 13 points at the half how did this happen.I really dont know ,But my prediction was right Lebron James had 49 points i said he would have around 40 points.Well next game is tomorrow on TNT at 8:00pm hopefully the cavaliers will win because if the magic win the cavaliers will be down 2 games and that's not going to be a good situation for the cavaliers. so watch watch watch.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

cant wait till 8pm the cavs play the magic. i predict the lebron is going to score 40 points. cant wait. watch it watch it watch it. LETS GO CAVALIERS

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

cant wait till Wednesday the first finals game
lets go cavaliers

Monday, May 18, 2009

i think the cavs are going to win the finals
and take the orlando magics team down in four
games then there going to face the nuggets in
the champion chip then there going to play seven
games.then when they win the whole croud is going
to chant mvp, mvp, mvp over and over. also every
fan is going to be proud on the cavaliers and everyone
in my school is going to be talking about for like
the whole day .im even going to talk about it.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

the cavs are the best team and
i want them to win the champion chip.
they are the team to beat.but with the
mvp Lebron James on the cavs side
its almost impossible to do.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

the best

there going to win the championchip